Motor Vehicle Violations

DO NOT IGNORE ANY TRAFFIC TICKETS AND DO NOT PAY THEM BEFORE CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY! If you pay the ticket you are admitting guilt and you can often get the charges reduced or dismissed depending on the circumstances. Many routine traffic tickets can result in jail time if ignored or the consequences are misevaluated. Whether a simple speeding ticket, driving without a license, or driving while suspended/revoked, these charges can have just as serious an impact on your life as a DUI. Traffic charges can lead to jail, insurance problems, employment issues and more. The experienced traffic court attorneys at Noonan Willetts will thoroughly evaluate, explain, and answer any questions you may have about the tickets and process. We will discuss all options available to defend your case and try our best to ease the impact of this incident throughout the process. We are trial attorneys, so we will always be prepared to take your case to trial should that prove to be your best option.
  • Driving While Intoxicated
  • Driving While Impaired
  • Driving While Suspended
  • Driving While Revoked
  • Driving with expired tags
  • Driving without valid license
  • Driving without proper registration
  • Driving without proper insurance
  • Negligent Driving
  • Reckless Driving
  • Motor Vehicle Citations resulting from an auto accident
  • Speeding tickets
  • Seatbelt Violations


Driving under the influence (DUI, also sometimes called DWI or OUI) is one of the most commonly committed crimes in the United States. However, you are innocent unless proven guilty. Unfortunately, because this crime is so common, many people make the mistake of taking their DUI arrests lightly instead of seeking appropriate legal representation. Our experienced DUI attorneys at Noonan Willetts will thoroughly evaluate, explain, and answer any questions you may have about the DUI process, including how it affects your driving privilege (SEE MVA HEARINGS).We are trial attorneys, so we will always be prepared to take your case to trial should that prove to be your best option. We will discuss all options available to defend your case and try our best to ease the impact of this incident throughout the process. Our attorneys have experience litigating the most serious crimes at all levels of the state court system and the tact to always try an amicable resolution if possible.

Commercial Drivers (CDL)

DO NOT IGNORE ANY TRAFFIC TICKETS AND DO NOT PAY THEM BEFORE CONSULTING A CDL ATTORNEY! If you pay the ticket you are admitting guilt and you can often get the charges reduced or dismissed depending on the circumstances. Whether you have been cited for a log book violation, speeding, overweight, CDL/DUI or anything else, the experienced CDL attorneys at Noonan Willetts will thoroughly evaluate, explain, and answer any questions you may have about the charges and process, including how it affects your driving privilege, both personally (SEE MVA HEARINGS) and professionally (how the charges affect your ability to use your CDL with respect to both your home license state and the FMCA). We are trial attorneys, so we will always be prepared to take your case to trial should that prove to be your best option. We will discuss all options available to defend your case and try our best to ease the impact of this incident throughout the process. In addition to local CDL traffic, our four offices are located near major interstates and heavy trucking routes, facilitating our attorneys experience in a wide variety of situations including litigating the most serious CDL violations.